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 06-01-2007, 21:32 Post: 142664

Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Wisconsin
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 Gas vs Electric range for cooking

I have both, a smooth top at the cabin and gass at my house. I thought I would try and move on with the "jones"es", buy that electric smooth top (ok actually, it was cheaper and easier to put in at the cabin, but, it sounded good)
What I found was that after I HAD to buy pots and pans that were perfectly flat on the bottom made for the electric smooth tops, that , the electric was not soo great a deal after all.
I can not stand that I can not see the heat I am pouring on the cooking surfaces. I do 99% of my cooking and can honestly say that I dont think I would be as good at not making mistakes if I had to use electric all the time.
I do know a few folks that would beg to differ with me and feel they could not cook on the other one?

Good luck with your new house

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